Are Fitness Trackers Worth It?

are fitness trackers worth it

Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, Polar, Samsung Watch, Coros, Xiaomi, and Honor – if you’ve been searching for fitness trackers lately, you may have heard of these brands and more. But are they worth the money? Will they really help you get fit? Well, that’s what we’ll find out in today’s post. Keep reading to discover … Read more

Pull Ups Alternative Exercises

pull-ups alternative exercises

Do you want to achieve that enviable V-shaped torso? Or target different muscles from different angles with one exercise? If so, then the pull-ups have to be in your repertoire. But since your training should include a variety of exercises for continuous progress, that’s where pull-ups alternative exercises come into play.  This article lists some … Read more

How Often Should You Go to the Gym?

how often should you go to the gym

Consistency is the key to progress. Therefore, you must put enough hours into your gym sessions to reach your fitness or weight loss goals. But, how often should you go to the gym? Are three times a week enough?  Here’s a guide on how often you should go to the gym and all you need … Read more

What to Mix Protein Powder With?

what to mix protein powder with

When unsure what to mix protein powder with, you can do a few things to ensure you’re getting the most out of your supplement. But first, you must consider what kind of protein powders you use.  Whey protein powder, casein protein, and egg white protein are all great options, but they have different absorption rates. … Read more

Why is Protein Powder So Expensive?

why is protein powder so expensive

Have you ever wondered, “Why is protein powder so expensive?” Protein powder is necessary for those who want to build muscle, but it can be pricey. While most of us don’t know why and how expensive it is, some factors contribute to the high price. Protein is an essential macronutrient that helps with muscle growth … Read more

How to Store Protein Powder

how to store protein powder

Protein powders are a convenient and easy way to get protein in your body. It’s also beneficial in muscle building and weight loss. But how do you store protein powders to ensure they stay fresh with such wide varieties of protein powders on the market? Protein powders come in various flavors, so you can mix … Read more