Does Creatine Make You Poop?

does creatine make you poop

Creatine is commonly used for improving exercise performance and increasing lean muscle mass in athletes and older adults. However, some people report experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) side effects such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation when taking creatine supplements. Because of this, many people wonder if creatine makes you poop. Many factors can influence GI side effects, … Read more

Is 2 Scoops of Protein Too Much?

Is 2 scoops of protein too much

Many people feel they need to consume vast amounts of protein to gain muscle. But this isn’t always the case. So, how much protein do you need? Research suggests that the recommended daily protein intake is around one to two scoops. However, to gain muscle, you may need to consume more protein. In addition, the … Read more

Close Grip Lat Pulldown vs Wide Grip

Close Grip Lat Pulldown vs Wide Grip

If you’re torn between performing the close grip lat pulldown vs wide grip for your next gym session, you’ve come to the right place. If you haven’t noticed it, your body is the ultimate machine. Therefore, you need to take care of it and keep fit to avoid unnecessary complications that will affect your full … Read more

Can You Take Pre-workout Twice a Day?

Can You Take Pre-workout Twice a Day

Some fitness enthusiasts engage in workouts twice a day for reasons best known to them. As pre-workout enhances their performance, they might take it before both workouts.  The question “Can you take pre-workout twice a day?” then comes to mind to know if it is safe. The short answer to this question is ‘no’ based … Read more

Why Do My Dumbbells Smell and What to Do About It?

Why Do My Dumbbells Smell and What to Do About It

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why do my dumbbells smell and what to do about it?”  It is typical for a brand new set of rubber dumbbells to have a strong, unpleasant, and toxic odor. However, this odor is not unusual for dumbbells and unknown rubber weights.  When this happens, you need not worry. In … Read more

Do Protein Shakes Make You Pee a Lot?

do protein shakes make you pee a lot

Are you taking protein supplements, whether in the form of powders, pre-mixed shakes, or bars, to increase lean muscle mass and improve workout performance and recovery?  Well, that’s a smart move. However, despite protein’s many health benefits, there are still controversies about its safety. Some claim that consuming too much protein may result in kidney … Read more

What Equipment Helps Rotator Cuff Injuries at a Gym?

what equipment helps rotator cuff injuries at a gym

Does your shoulder hurt? Do you find it difficult to carry out daily tasks, such as brushing your hair, reaching for something on a high shelf, or driving a car? Odds are, you have a rotator cuff injury or tear. It’s not uncommon, but a combination of rest, at-home remedies, and physical therapy can often … Read more

Barbell Shrugs Vs Dumbbell Shrugs

Barbell Shrugs Vs Dumbbell Shrugs

If you’re wondering the difference between barbell shrugs vs dumbbell shrugs, you’ve come to the right place. Shrugs are a well-known exercise used to build up the upper traps. One can undertake this exercise with various machines, but the barbell and dumbbell are standard. Barbell and Dumbbell shrugs are both result-yielding methods of increasing the … Read more

Dumbbell to Barbell Conversion – How to Convert The Weight Used

Dumbbell to Barbell Conversion - How to Convert The Weight Used

Weightlifting remains one of the greatest inventions in sports and fitness. Not only does it help you burn lots of calories, but it also tones your abs, builds your muscles, and corrects your posture if you do it right. Dumbbells and barbells are two handy weightlifting pieces of equipment that strengthen your arm muscles. They’re … Read more