Does Lifting Weights Make You Shorter? 

Does Lifting Weights Make You Shorter?

The myth that weightlifting stunts growth has endured for a long time because it is plausible enough to stick in people’s thoughts for a very long period. While lifting weights can be dangerous if it’s not done correctly, there is no evidence that the workout will make you shorter than you would otherwise be.  Many … Read more

Orgain Protein Powder Ingredients

orgain protein powder ingredients

The way to build muscle effectively is to eat proper protein. After all, your body is made up almost entirely of protein. Even at the most basic level of sports nutrition, you’ll need a container with a single protein source – plant-blend, soy, or casein. One protein powder that impressed many fitness enthusiasts is the … Read more

How to Make Protein Powder Less Gritty

How to Make Protein Powder Less Gritty

Protein is an essential nutrient needed in the body for increasing muscle growth, developing muscle tissues, and getting in shape. One way to get an adequate quantity of protein is by consuming protein powders from protein sources like meat, milk, and many more. However, most times, the protein powder might not taste good owing to … Read more

Can You Dry Scoop Creatine? 

Can You Dry Scoop Creatine?

Have you ever asked, “Can you dry scoop creatine?” Creatine, also known as creatine monohydrate, is a substance that you can find naturally in the body and use to improve muscle mass and workout performance.  Many people are curious whether they may dry scoop creatine and whether there are any risks or advantages to doing … Read more

How to Make Protein Shakes Thicker

how to make protein shakes thicker

Many people find their protein shakes either watery or too thin. It means they can’t enjoy drinking them as much as they want to.  Thankfully, there are several ways to make it thicker. Below are some of my all-time favorites because they are filling and are good for gut health. Ready to shake? Let’s get … Read more

How to Flavor Unflavored Protein Powder

how to flavor unflavored protein powder

Most protein powders are hard to get down alone, especially when unflavored. They are either gritty or chalky and tend to have a nutty taste.  Still, there are many benefits to choosing the unflavored protein powder over the flavored ones. They often don’t contain artificial sweeteners,  unwanted sugar, artificial coloring, and cheap flavorings.  With that … Read more

Why Does Protein Powder Make My Stomach Hurt?

why does protein powder make my stomach hurt

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, consuming a protein shake before or after a workout is as important as warming up and cooling down.  However, not all protein powders or shakes are created equal. Some can cause issues in your digestive system, like cramps, bloating, and frequent trips to the bathroom.  This post provides evidence-based reasons … Read more

Can You Substitute Protein Powder for Flour?

can you substitute protein powder for flour

Protein powders are a convenient way to ensure people hit their daily protein intake goals. However, protein powder smoothies or shakes can also get boring.  There’s no reason to drink protein shakes daily with the option to use protein powders for cooking and baking. You can even ditch the blender and add it to oatmeal, … Read more